Have you ever seen someone change after getting power or after moving into a higher position?
One of my favorite quotes is, “Two things define you: Your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything.”
Some people change who they are and how they act depending on their circumstances, but mature leaders are consistent; the only thing that changes when they get more is having more to give.
This was a message the Israelite leaders needed to hear during the 8th century BCE when the prophet Micah was prophesying.
Micah was a minor prophet in Israel during a time of corruption, injustice, and religious hypocrisy. The wealthy and powerful Israelite leaders took advantage of and exploited the poor through unjust laws and unfair practices. The leaders used their position and power for personal gain, neglecting their responsibilities to the people, and the people were just going through the motions of religious practices instead of truly following God and doing what was right.
Micah condemned these practices, calling for a return to righteousness and justice. He emphasized that true worship involves more than just external rituals; it requires a heart that is just and compassionate.
Micah's most well-known passage is Micah 6:8, which states: "What does the Lord require of you? To do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God."
Obeying and following God doesn’t have to be hard. Do justice means to act fairly and equitably. Do the right thing, be kind, and be humble in your walk with God, and you can make the world around you better while receiving the blessings that come with it.
1 - What is your biggest takeaway from Micah’s story?
2 - When you are in a leadership position or a position of power, how do you act? Are you fair, kind, and humble, or do you take advantage of your power or position?
3 - How can you show kindness to someone today?
4 - What does it mean to walk humbly with God? How can you cultivate a spirit of humility in your life?
For a printable version of this devotional, click here: Micah: Justice, Kindness and Humility