“It's supposed to be uncomfortable, it’s supposed to stretch you, and it's supposed to be a burden. Wrap your mind around it, accept it, and embrace it.” - Nipsey Hussle
Rapper Nipsey Hussle was not only a great lyricist but also a successful businessman who talked a lot about wanting to grow, expand, and become the best version of himself.
He said that growth and the added responsibility that comes with it are hard. As his career and businesses grew, he had to learn how to juggle and manage several different roles at the same time, and his mentality when everything started to become too much and overwhelming for him was to remember that this is what it is supposed to look like and feel like when you are pursuing greatness; it isn’t supposed to feel comfortable.
He said when it becomes a lot, remember that it is supposed to feel like a lot, it’s supposed to feel uncomfortable, it's supposed to stretch you, and it's supposed to be a burden to a degree. He then said you have to wrap your mind around it, accept it, embrace it, and catch the wisdom from it.
The growth that comes with pursuing greatness is supposed to stretch you and make you feel uncomfortable, and he said you have to be able to wrap your mind around getting comfortable being outside of your comfort zone and learn how to embrace it.
The road to success is long, hard, and lonely … but it’s worth it if you know it’s supposed to be hard, learn how to handle hard better, and don’t quit.
Reflection Question: When it gets hard or uncomfortable, how do you respond vs how you want to respond?