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Noah: Faith and Obedience

Writer's picture: acoachsdiaryacoachsdiary

"People should be your greatest commodity, your greatest resource in a high-performance environment, people are the center of everything when it comes to high performance." - Greg Carvel

Most coaches have favorites. Their favorites are the ones who show up, do their job, and add value to the team. UMass hockey coach Greg Carvel says one selfish mindset can destroy a culture, and they rank their players either a 1, 2, or 3.

1s = The low-maintenance favorites who do what they are supposed to do.

2s = Teammates in the middle that are either squeezed into being 1s or squeezed into being 3s and kicked off the team.

3s = High maintenance and need to be removed from the team.

When you do the right thing the right way, you help yourself and the people around you, and you are likely to both get more opportunities and take advantage of those opportunities.

A Biblical example of someone who was given one of the most important opportunities in the history of the world is Noah.

By the time Noah appeared in the Bible, God was upset with the people he created because there was so much evil and wrongdoing in the world. In Genesis 6, God decided to remove all people and all animals from the earth, but Genesis 6:6 says, “But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord,” and God decided to save Noah and His family. Noah was one of very few 1s in a world full of 3s.

When we do the right thing, our coaches and leaders will find favor in us, and good things can come from that favor.

But then Noah had to do the hard part: he had to actually obey God by building a massive ark to save himself, his family, and all the animals on the planet. I could imagine seeing everyone talking about and laughing at Noah for building this ark; they probably thought he was going crazy. I don’t know if they had ever experienced rain before, and even if they had, they must have thought Noah was losing his mind.

But Noah obeyed God and did what he was told.

Obedience can feel foolish. It might mean going against the crowd, facing ridicule, and stepping into the unknown. But true faith isn't about understanding; it's about trusting God, doing what He asks us to do, and trusting that everything will work out for good.

The story of Noah reminds me that:

  • God's promises are true: Even when it seems impossible, God will keep his word.

  • Obedience brings blessings: Though the journey was challenging, Noah and his family were spared.

  • God provides a way: He gave Noah specific instructions and the strength to carry them out.

Noah saved himself and his family by being a good person and by obeying God. God did the rest. Do your part. Make good choices, do what you can, and trust that God will take care of the rest.

Somethings to Think About

1 - What is your biggest takeaway from this devotional?

2 - When do you find it easiest to hear from and obey God?

3 - When do you find it hardest to hear from and obey God?

4 - What does fully trusting God and obeying His word look like in action?

My Prayer

Our Father. Thank you for all the blessings and opportunities you have given me and will continue to give me. Please help me stay close to you so that I identify the opportunities when they come, and please help me seek your guidance first and always so I can attack each opportunity the right way. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

For a printable PDF version of this post, click here: Noah: Faith and Obedience

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