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Timothy: Keep Moving Forward

Writer's picture: acoachsdiaryacoachsdiary

Have you ever had a goal or plan for yourself but found yourself falling off track and needing some encouragement or motivation?

I saw a video on social media where a guy said:

“Hey, bro. I need you to get back in that mode again. That mode where nothing can take you off your pivot and you were just putting in that work every single day. See, that version of you is different; you gotta tap back into it. Don’t be out here playing with your potential because you’re one of them ones, bro. You’re special, and you weren’t meant to be a person that could have been the one; you are the one. So I need you to get back moving like it before it’s too late.”

Sometimes we need something or someone to light a fire in us and remind us who we are, what our talent and potential are, and what we are supposed to do. In the Bible, Paul took Timothy, a young man from Lystra in Asia Minor under his wing, and when he started to fall back, Paul did that by reminding him of the strength, power, and responsibility he had.

Timothy was young for a leader when he met Paul, but he quickly became a trusted companion, known for his faithfulness, diligence, and obedience.

Timothy was given leadership responsibilities in various churches and served as a pastor in Ephesus, and his story encourages young people to serve God wholeheartedly, regardless of their age, and to have the courage to follow God and take on new leadership roles.

But in 2 Timothy 1:6, Paul indicated that Timothy might have gotten tired or have taken a step back and needed to be motivated, inspired, and reminded to bring great energy and enthusiasm to the work they were doing. Paul wrote, “For this reason, I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.”

We all need good people on our side to encourage us and motivate us when we get tired and start to fall off, but it is our job to listen and use that for good.

One of my favorite verses comes in 2 Timothy 1:7 when Paul wrote, “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

This indicates, that like all of us, even people in the Bible get scared, but we don’t have to let fear control us because we have God with us. When you feel fear, pause, pray, and just do what you know you need to, and sometimes you have to do it afraid; that is when you find out what you are really made of. When I feel fear, I read and repeat this verse.

Paul was writing from prison, and in 2 Timothy 1:8, he wrote, “Do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord nor of me his prisoner,” so Timothy might have been afraid or have lost his courage and confidence.

This letter was written during a time when Christians were being persecuted, so it would make sense for Timothy to feel afraid.

When we get tired or feel fear, we have a choice to make: are we going to stop, keep going, or go backward?

Fatigue, distractions, and fear can prevent your progress and make you want to turn and run instead of aggressively moving forward. When you feel tired or afraid, receive Paul’s encouragement to Timothy. Stir up your faith, seek God, and never forget that He is with you. Do one thing that will help you get back on track, then do another. You might have to do it afraid, but just do it knowing that no matter what, God will support you and be there for you.

And if you can, find a coach or mentor like Paul who can help you, guide you, and keep you inspired.

Something(s) to Think About

1 - What was your biggest takeaway from this devotional?2 - Have you ever been like Timothy, either tired or afraid and needing motivation and encouragement?

3 - When you do, what can you do to get what you need to keep going?

4 - When people around you are needing encouragement, how do you recognize it and get it to them?

For a printable PDF version of this post, click here: Timothy: Keep Moving Forward

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