1 - Bone Hyland | Stay Humble and Find Your Routine
2 - Damon Lowery | Master Your Weaknesses
3 - Steve Kerr | You Have to Earn Everything
5 - Patty Gasso | What I Look For

Bone Hyland | Stay Humble and Find Your Routine
Bones Hyland was a star at VCU before getting drafted by the Denver Nuggets. He was asked about playing with back-to-back MVP Nikola Jokic. Bones said Jokic would always tell him to stay humble. He also said that Jokic taught him to have and follow a routine. He said Jokic would follow the same routine before every game, and ever since he got on a routine, Bones saw his game elevate higher and higher.
1 - What is your biggest takeaway from the video?
2 - Do you have a pre-game routine? What is it? If not, what does it need to be?
3 - Do you have a post-game or post-practice routine? What is it? If not, what does it need to be?
4 - Bones said that Jokic would always remind him to stay humble. How important is it to stay humble? What keeps you humble?

Damon Lowery | Master Your Weaknesses
Damon Lowery is a former professional basketball player. In the video below, he tells a good story about how he went from quitting to showing off.
He said when he was in high school, the crowd yelled out, “Number 10 can’t go left,” and they stole the ball from him 3 times in a row. The crowd started laughing at him, and instead of bringing the ball down the court, he tried to pass it right back to his teammate. But his coach yelled, “Give it back to him; he gotta learn.” He said his coach didn’t try to protect him. He made him face his demons by working. He said this is what you have to learn, and all summer, they worked on his left hand.
The next year, he said he was still number 10, but he was a different number 10. Instead of quitting, his coach had to tell him to stop showing off.
1 - What is your biggest takeaway from the video?
2 - Have you ever tried to run from something like he did?
3 - Have you ever had a coach throw you back out there like his coach did?
4 - What is something you need to spend all summer working on?
Steve Kerr | You Have to Earn Everything
Steve Kerr said the entire season has been about development for 2nd-year basketball player Moses Moody. In the video below, Kerr said Moses had a lot to work on and he worked on it all year. Over the last 6 weeks of the season, he took a big step up, and now he is being rewarded and he is rewarding the team. He earned it. He said, “You have to earn everything in this league.”
1 - What is your biggest takeaway from the video?
2 - Is your team in rebuilding mode and will allow you to play through mistakes, or is your team in win-now mode and won’t allow you to play through mistakes?
3 - What areas do you need to grow in to have more success? 4 - What are you doing to get better in those areas?
Patty Gasso | What I Look For
Patty Gasso has been the head softball coach at OU for over 28 seasons. She has molded the OU softball program into a national power and permanently placed herself among the elite college softball coaches in the country.
She was asked, “What advice would you have for players who want to play at your level, and what do I need to do if I want to play at your level?”
She said, “I want to feel like you make me enjoy watching you play. What does that look like? To me, hustle, being a great teammate, real inspiration, real energy, and real excitement. There has to be something behind you that makes be go, okay, this is fun to watch.”
She then said, “Be a gamer. The way you walk, move, look, talk to your teammates - I watch it all. I see you hit 3 times. How am I supposed to evaluate that? I just watch everything else that she’s doing. Be all in.
“I’m just taking notes on watching you and what you’re doing in the dugout, I watch you when the game is over and how you go up to your parents. I’m watching the kind of person that you are if I can’t see what it looks like as a player on the field.”
1 - What is your biggest takeaway from the video?
2 - What would a college coach say about you if they watched you practice or play? Would they see real joy and excitement?
3 - What kind of teammate would they see you being?
4 - What kind of PERSON would they be seeing in you?
